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Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property lineNumber as %Integer;
Property methods: lineNumberDisplayToLogical(), lineNumberGet(), lineNumberIsValid(), lineNumberLogicalToDisplay(), lineNumberNormalize(), lineNumberSet()
property text as %String;
Property methods: textDisplayToLogical(), textGet(), textIsValid(), textLogicalToDisplay(), textLogicalToOdbc(), textNormalize(), textSet()


method %CloseCursor() as %Status
Inherited description: Implement %CloseCursor to clean up any temporary structures that are used by the custom result such as temporary globals, etc. This method is invoked by the object destructor.
		method %CloseCursor() as %Library.Status [ private ]
			&sql(close myCursor)
				kill ^||mytempglobal
			quit $$$OK
method %Next(ByRef sc As %Library.Status) as %Library.Integer
Inherited description: Advances to the next row in the result referenced by %ProcCursor. Returns 0 if the cursor is at the end of the result set. An optional argument contains a %Library.Status value on return. This %Status value indicates success or failure of the %Next call. %SQLCODE is also set by %Next. This implementation is overridden by classes that implement the result set interface.
method %OpenCursor(cursor As %String) as %Library.Status
Inherited description: Implement code to open the cursor here. You may also define new formal arguments. Any arguments defined will be automatically added to the constructor interface and callers can specify actual arguments in the call to %New().
		method %OpenCursor(pBeginDate as %Date = "", pEndDate as %Date = "") as %Library.Status [ private ]
			set ..BeginDate = pBeginDate
			set ..EndDate = $Select(pEndDate'="":pEndDate,1:$H)
			quit $$$OK
Given the above example implementation of %OpenCursor, the following is a valid call to instantiate a new instance.
		set tResult = ##class(MyCustom.ResultSet).%New(,$H-30,$H-10)
To report an error from %OpenCursor just set ..%SQLCODE and %Message to appropriate values. To report no rows found, set %SQLCODE to 100. Errors are indicated by negative ..%SQLCODE values.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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