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This class replaces %Library.JGWResultSet. It implements the result set interface for the current result set of a JDBC Gateway connection. Most often this class will be used by a linked procedure as a temporary container that is immediately copied into a static result set.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property %Data [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: %DataDisplayToLogical(), %DataGet(), %DataIsValid(), %DataLogicalToDisplay(), %DataLogicalToOdbc(), %DataNormalize(), %DataSet()
property %hstmt as %String;
Property methods: %hstmtDisplayToLogical(), %hstmtGet(), %hstmtIsValid(), %hstmtLogicalToDisplay(), %hstmtLogicalToOdbc(), %hstmtNormalize(), %hstmtSet()


method %Get(colname As %String = "") as %Library.String
Inherited description: Returns the value of the column with the name colname in the current row of the result set.

If colname is not a valid column name, this method throws a error.

method %GetData(colnbr As %Integer) as %Library.String
Inherited description: Returns the value of column colnbr in the current row of the result set.
method %Next(ByRef sc As %Library.Status = $$$OK) as %Library.Integer
Inherited description: Advances to the next row in the result referenced by %ProcCursor. Returns 0 if the cursor is at the end of the result set. An optional argument contains a %Library.Status value on return. This %Status value indicates success or failure of the %Next call. %SQLCODE is also set by %Next. This implementation is overridden by classes that implement the result set interface.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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