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Dataset implementation for a simple local array / inline table containing the actual data, primarily for use with ModelVerification records in the PMML spec. NOTE: This class does not implement the whole %DeepSee.PMML.Dataset spec!

Method Inventory


classmethod %CreateFromModelValidation(pName As %String, pModelVerification As %DeepSee.PMML.Definition.ModelVerification, Output pSC As %Status) as %DeepSee.PMML.Dataset.Array
method Get1DDistribution(pField As %String, Output pDistribution, ByRef pFilters) as %Status
accepts pFilters(n) = $lb(field, operator, key) returns: pDistribution("total") = tTotalCount pDistribution(n) = $lb(value, count)
method GetRecordIds(Output pIds, ByRef pFilters) as %Status
returns pIds(n) = rowid
method GetValueCount(pField As %String, pIncludeNull As %Boolean = 1, ByRef pFilters, Output pSC As %Status) as %Integer
Inherited description: Returns the number of distinct values for pField (categorical)
method GetXDDistribution(pFields As %List, Output pDistribution, ByRef pFilters) as %Status
accepts pFilters(n) = $lb(field, operator, key) returns: pDistribution = $lb(dim1Count, dim2Count, ...) pDistribution("value", dim, i) = value pDistribution(i, j, ...) = tCount pDistribution("total", dim, i) = tDimTotal

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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