
SQL Table Name: %iKnow_KB.Knowledgebase

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property ConceptLabel as Label;
Property methods: ConceptLabelGet(), ConceptLabelGetObject(), ConceptLabelGetObjectId(), ConceptLabelGetStored(), ConceptLabelGetSwizzled(), ConceptLabelIsValid(), ConceptLabelNewObject(), ConceptLabelSet(), ConceptLabelSetObject(), ConceptLabelSetObjectId(), ConceptLabelUnSwizzle()
property Hash as %String;
Property methods: HashDisplayToLogical(), HashGet(), HashGetStored(), HashIsValid(), HashLogicalToDisplay(), HashLogicalToOdbc(), HashNormalize(), HashSet()
property Name as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameGetStored(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
property RegexpEnabled as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 , Transient ];
Enables regular expressions when loading
Property methods: RegexpEnabledDisplayToLogical(), RegexpEnabledGet(), RegexpEnabledIsValid(), RegexpEnabledLogicalToDisplay(), RegexpEnabledLogicalToXSD(), RegexpEnabledNormalize(), RegexpEnabledSet(), RegexpEnabledXSDToLogical()


method AcronymCount() as %Integer
method AddToHash(string As %String)
Adds a value to this Knowledgebase's hash. The ultimate hash value is dependent on the sequence of values passed to this function.
classmethod ClearAll()
Clears all Knowledgebase data
classmethod DeleteByName(kbName As %String)
method FilterCount() as %Integer
method GetAcronym(key As %String) as Acronym
method GetAlphaBeticLabel() as Label
classmethod GetByName(name As %String) as Knowledgebase
Retrieves the KB with the given name, returning "" if not found.
method GetCapitalAllLabel() as Label
method GetCapitalInitialLabel() as Label
method GetCapitalMixedLabel() as Label
method GetConceptLabel() as Label
method GetFilter(key As %String) as Filter
method GetHash() as %String
Returns a hash based on the content of this Knowledgebase
method GetInputFilter(key As %Integer) as %List
method GetJoinLabel() as Label
method GetJoinReverseLabel() as Label
method GetKatakanaLabel() as Label
method GetLabel(key As %String) as Label
method GetLabelByName(name As %String) as Label
method GetLexrep(key As %String) as Lexrep
method GetLexrepRaw(key As %String) as %List
method GetMetadata(key As %String) as Metadata
method GetNonSemanticLabel() as Label
method GetNumericLabel() as Label
method GetObjectLabel() as Label
method GetPreprocessFilter(key As %String) as PreprocessFilter
method GetPrimaryRelationLabel() as Label
method GetProperty(key As %Integer) as %List
classmethod GetPropertyId(name As %String) as %Integer
Retrieves an ID for an property name. These must be consistent across versions.
method GetPunctuationLabel() as Label
method GetRegexIndex(regexName As %String) as %Integer
Returns the index (0-based) of the regex with the given name in this Knowledgebase This is based on creation order, and will correspond to the offset for the regex in the shared memory knowledgebase Retuns -1 if no such regex is found.
method GetRegexPattern(regexName As %String) as %String
Returns the pattern of a given regex index
method GetRelationLabel() as Label
method GetRule(key As %String) as Rule
method GetRuleByEngineId(id As %Integer) as Rule
Convert an internal engine rule id for this language into a rule object.
method GetSentenceBeginLabel() as Label
method GetSentenceEndLabel() as Label
method GetSpaceLabel() as Label
method GetSubjectLabel() as Label
method GetUnknownLabel() as Label
classmethod ImportFromCSV(name As %String, prefix As %String, obfuscate As %Boolean = 1, shmem As %Boolean = 0, complete As %Boolean = 0) as Knowledgebase
classmethod ImportFromXML(fileName As %String) as Knowledgebase
classmethod ImportItemsFromXML(r As %XML.Reader, kb As Knowledgebase, collectionName As %String, className As %String, keyPropertyName As %String = "")
method InputFilterCount() as %Integer
method LabelCount() as %Integer
method LexrepCount() as %Integer
classmethod LoadAll(obfuscate As %Boolean = 0)
Load all knowledgebases and languagebases from source, using the known source root
classmethod LoadDir(dir As %String, forcemulticompile As %Boolean = "", obfuscate As %Boolean = 1, shmem As %Boolean = 0, complete As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod LoadTableFromCSV(fileName As %String, className As %String, kb As Knowledgebase) as %Boolean
method MetadataCount() as %Integer
method MetadataLookup(key As %String) as %String
method NextAcronym(key As %String) as %String
method NextFilter(key As %String) as %String
method NextInputFilter(key As %Integer) as %Integer
method NextLabel(key As %String) as %String
method NextLexrep(key As %String) as %String
method NextMetadata(key As %String) as %String
method NextPreprocessFilter(key As %String) as %String
method NextProperty(key As %Integer) as %Integer
method NextRule(key As %String) as %String
classmethod Obfuscate(string As %String, property As %String, id As %Integer) as %String
method PreprocessFilterCount() as %Integer
method PropertyCount() as %Integer
method RegexCount() as %Integer
method RuleCount() as %Integer
classmethod Unobfuscate(string As %String, property As %String, id As %Integer) as %String
method WriteAsXML()


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (NameIndex on Name) [Unique];
Index methods: NameIndexCheck(), NameIndexCheckUnique(), NameIndexDelete(), NameIndexExists(), NameIndexOpen(), NameIndexSQLCheckUnique(), NameIndexSQLExists(), NameIndexSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), NameIndexSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: Storage (%iKnow.KB.Knowledgebase)
