
SQL Table Name: %iFind.Stem

This class has been deprecated in favour of %iFind.WordTransformation as of 2016.1.

Projection representing the stems (base forms) identified by the stemming plugins for words in the %iFind.Word table. See %iFind.StemToWord for the actual mapping from stems to words.

Property Inventory


parameter READONLY = 1;
Inherited description: READONLY = 1 means that objects can be created, opened but not saved or deleted. Tables are projected to SQL as READONLY.


property Key as %Integer [ Required ];
Internal identifier for this stem
Property methods: KeyDisplayToLogical(), KeyGet(), KeyIsValid(), KeyLogicalToDisplay(), KeyNormalize(), KeySet()
property Transformation as %iFind.Transformation [ Required ];
Property methods: TransformationGet(), TransformationGetObject(), TransformationGetObjectId(), TransformationGetSwizzled(), TransformationIsValid(), TransformationNewObject(), TransformationSet(), TransformationSetObject(), TransformationSetObjectId(), TransformationUnSwizzle()
property Value as %String) [ Calculated ];
String value of this base form
Property methods: ValueCompute(), ValueDisplayToLogical(), ValueGet(), ValueIsValid(), ValueLogicalToDisplay(), ValueLogicalToOdbc(), ValueNormalize(), ValueSQLCompute()


index (KeyIdx on Transformation,Key) [IdKey, Type = key, Unique];
Index methods: KeyIdxCheck(), KeyIdxDelete(), KeyIdxExists(), KeyIdxOpen(), KeyIdxSQLCheckUnique(), KeyIdxSQLExists(), KeyIdxSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), KeyIdxSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: SQLStorage

Maps: 1

  • Map number 1 is named Data

    thismap.Global: ^IRIS.IF.TransfoW

  • ^IRIS.IF.TransfoW({Transformation},{Key})