The methods in this class are used by the SQLRegression class to execute SQL files using a JDBC SQL Gateway connection and return results in a stream. They are subject to change, and not intended to be called directly.

Method Inventory


parameter Password = SYS;
Specify password for jdbc database connection
parameter Port;
Specify Super Server Port for jdbc database connection
parameter Url =;
Specify url for jdbc database connection
parameter Username = _system;
Specify username for jdbc database connection


classmethod ExecuteSQL(gc As %Net.Remote.Java.JDBCGateway, sql As %String, ByRef sqlhstmt As %Library.ObjectHandle, err As %String = "", rowcount As %Integer = 0) as %Status
This method executes a SQL statement on the associated JDBC gateway. It will attempt to guess whether the command is DDL, insert/update/delete or something returning data based on the first word of the SQL statement.
  • gc is the JDBCGateway created when calling $$GetJConnection^%apiGTW(gatewayName)
  • sql is the SQL statement to be prepared
  • sqlhstmt is passed by reference and is the value returned by the prepare call. This will be used by future methods (ExecuteSQL)
  • err is error message returned by %JDBCGateway
  • rowcount is number of rows returned by %JDBCGateway
classmethod PrepareSQL(gc As %Net.Remote.Java.JDBCGateway, sql As %String, ByRef sqlhstmt As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef err As %String = "") as %Status
This method prepares a SQL statement on the associated JDBC gateway
  • gc is the JDBCGateway created when calling $$GetJConnection^%apiGTW(gatewayName)
  • sql is the SQL statement to be prepared
  • sqlhstmt is passed by reference and is the value returned by the prepare call. This will be used by future methods (ExecuteSQL)
  • err is error message returned by %JDBCGateway
classmethod getJDBCGateway(ByRef gcn As %String = "", usn As %String = "_system", pwd As %String = "SYS") as %Status
Find or create JDBC Gateway Connection
  • gcn is Gateway Connection Name to use. If null a name will be created.
  • usn is sql username, default is _system
  • pwd is sql password, default is SYS
Name = "JDBC" for Unix
classmethod processRStoStream(ByRef sqlhstmt As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef output As %Stream, metadata As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
This method will output the metadata of the passed in hstmt to output if metadata=1. This method will output the results of the passed in hstmt to output.
classmethod runJDBCSQL(sqlfilename As %String, ByRef gcn As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Stream
Connect to SQL Gateway Connection via JDBC and run SQL from sqlfilename in ANY namespace.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods