
class %Net.PushNotifications.APNS extends %Library.RegisteredObject

// Implements Apple Push Notification Service connectivity

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter BUFFERSIZE = 16384;


property ConnectTimeout as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 30 , Required ];
SSL Connection timeout period in seconds. The connection is terminated after this period of inactivity.
Property methods: ConnectTimeoutDisplayToLogical(), ConnectTimeoutGet(), ConnectTimeoutIsValid(), ConnectTimeoutLogicalToDisplay(), ConnectTimeoutNormalize(), ConnectTimeoutSet()
property PushServerAddress as %String (MAXLEN = 1024) [ Required ];
Hostname of the Apple Push Notification Server.
Property methods: PushServerAddressDisplayToLogical(), PushServerAddressGet(), PushServerAddressIsValid(), PushServerAddressLogicalToDisplay(), PushServerAddressLogicalToOdbc(), PushServerAddressNormalize(), PushServerAddressSet()
property PushServerPort as %String [ Required ];
Port for the Apple Push Notification Server interface.
Property methods: PushServerPortDisplayToLogical(), PushServerPortGet(), PushServerPortIsValid(), PushServerPortLogicalToDisplay(), PushServerPortLogicalToOdbc(), PushServerPortNormalize(), PushServerPortSet()
property ResponseTimeout as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 5 , Required ];
Time period in seconds to wait for a response to a connection request.
Property methods: ResponseTimeoutDisplayToLogical(), ResponseTimeoutGet(), ResponseTimeoutIsValid(), ResponseTimeoutLogicalToDisplay(), ResponseTimeoutNormalize(), ResponseTimeoutSet()
property SSLConfig as %String [ Required ];
Configuration name in the table of SSL configurations. The SSL is associated with the app and must be provided by Apple for the APNS service.
Property methods: SSLConfigDisplayToLogical(), SSLConfigGet(), SSLConfigIsValid(), SSLConfigLogicalToDisplay(), SSLConfigLogicalToOdbc(), SSLConfigNormalize(), SSLConfigSet()


method Connect() as %Status
Connect to the Apple Push Notification Service
method Disconnect() as %Status
method EnhancedPushNotification(pDeviceToken As %String, pRequestId As %Integer, pExpiresUTC As %TimeStamp, ByRef pNotificationData) as %Status
Send a notification using the "enhanced" mechanism. The pDeviceToken represents a device identifier, the pNotificationData is an array of the aps values (see the APNS docs) and pCustomData contains any additional data items to be included.
method SimplePushNotification(pDeviceToken As %String, ByRef pNotificationData) as %Status
Send a "simple" push notification. The pDeviceToken represents a device identifier, the pNotificationData is an array of the aps values (see the APNS docs) and pCustomData contains any additional data items to be included.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods
