
SQL Table Name: %DeepSee_Sets.ArraySetRepository

This class is a simple implementation of ISeetRepository interface. Sets are stored as collection objects in a persitent class. This is suitable for sets of limited size (the limit is the same as for the number of items in an Array collection. This class cannot be used directly, user needs to subclass.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Annotation as %Binary);
Property methods: AnnotationGet(), AnnotationIsValid(), AnnotationSet()
property AnnotationArray as array of %List (STORAGEDEFAULT = "list");
Property methods: AnnotationArrayBuildValueArray(), AnnotationArrayCollectionToDisplay(), AnnotationArrayCollectionToOdbc(), AnnotationArrayDisplayToCollection(), AnnotationArrayGet(), AnnotationArrayGetObject(), AnnotationArrayGetObjectId(), AnnotationArrayGetSwizzled(), AnnotationArrayIsValid(), AnnotationArrayLogicalToOdbc(), AnnotationArrayOdbcToCollection(), AnnotationArrayOdbcToLogical(), AnnotationArraySet(), AnnotationArraySetObject(), AnnotationArraySetObjectId()
property Name as %String (MAXLEN = 127);
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()


classmethod CreateSet(set As %DeepSee.Sets.ISet, name As %String = "", ByRef status As %Status) as %RawString
Inherited description: Creates a new set. Throws an error if a set with the same name exists
classmethod DeleteById(id As %RawString) as %Status
classmethod DeleteByName(name As %String) as %Status
classmethod GetById(id As %RawString) as %DeepSee.Sets.ISet
classmethod GetByName(name As %String) as %DeepSee.Sets.ISet
classmethod GetFilteredNames(key As %String, predicate As %String, ByRef status As %Status) as %DeepSee.Sets.ISet
Inherited description: This method returns a set of all the names satisfying the filter condition
classmethod GetIdSet(name As %Library.String) as %DeepSee.Sets.ISet
Inherited description: This method returns a set consisting of all the IDs of saved sets
classmethod GetNames(name As %Library.String) as %DeepSee.Sets.ISet
Inherited description: This method returns a set consisting of all the names of saved sets
classmethod IdExists(id As %RawString) as %Boolean
classmethod NameExists(name As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod SaveSet(set As %DeepSee.Sets.ISet, name As %String = "", ByRef status As %Status) as %RawString
Inherited description: Saves a set with a given name. If necessary creates a new set. If a set with the same name exists then the existing set is deleted and a new created. This is functionaly equivalent to update.

This method returns an id for a saved set, if name is specified it should be unique. Empty names are covenient for automatically created sets, they should be retrived bi ids.


index (NameIdx on Name) [Unique];
Index methods: NameIdxCheck(), NameIdxDelete(), NameIdxExists(), NameIdxOpen(), NameIdxSQLCheckUnique(), NameIdxSQLExists(), NameIdxSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), NameIdxSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods