
%iKnow.Filters.Filter implementation selecting sources based on whether they are part of the referenced "set" name. See also %DeepSee.SetBuilder.Definition.

Filter parameters:

  1. pSetName As %String - name of the set definition to filter for. This implies the domain to select from.
  2. pParameters - array of Set parameters, indexed by name

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property SetName as %String [ ReadOnly ];
Property methods: SetNameDisplayToLogical(), SetNameGet(), SetNameIsValid(), SetNameLogicalToDisplay(), SetNameLogicalToOdbc(), SetNameNormalize()


method ToString() as %String
Inherited description:

Subclasses should implement this method to build a string representation of the filter instance. It should start with the filter class name, followed by a pipe (|) character and then a string representation that can be interpreted by its RestoreFilterFromStringInternal() implementation.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods