
SQL Catalog Queries - Privileged

Method Inventory


classmethod RolePrivilegesClose(%q As %Library.Binary) as %Status
classmethod RolePrivilegesExecute(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, role As %Library.String = "") as %Library.Status
classmethod RolePrivilegesFetch(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, ByRef Row As %Library.List, AtEnd As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Status
classmethod RoleUserClose(%q As %Library.Binary) as %Status
classmethod RoleUserExecute(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, role As %Library.String) as %Library.Status
classmethod RoleUserFetch(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, ByRef Row As %Library.List, AtEnd As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Status
classmethod RolesClose(%q As %Library.Binary) as %Library.Status
classmethod RolesExecute(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary) as %Library.Status
classmethod RolesFetch(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, ByRef Row As %Library.List, AtEnd As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Status
classmethod UserColumnPrivsClose(%q As %Library.Binary) as %Status
classmethod UserColumnPrivsExecute(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, user As %Library.String = "", schema As %Library.String = "", table As %Library.String = "", system As %Library.Boolean = 0) as %Library.Status
classmethod UserColumnPrivsFetch(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, ByRef Row As %Library.List, AtEnd As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Status
classmethod UserExistsClose(%q As %Library.Binary) as %Library.Status
classmethod UserExistsExecute(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, user As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod UserExistsFetch(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, ByRef Row As %Library.List, AtEnd As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Status
classmethod UserPrivsClose(%q As %Library.Binary) as %Status
classmethod UserPrivsExecute(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, user As %Library.String = "", system As %Library.Boolean = 0) as %Library.Status
classmethod UserPrivsFetch(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, ByRef Row As %Library.List, AtEnd As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Status
classmethod UserRoleClose(%q As %Library.Binary) as %Status
classmethod UserRoleExecute(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, user As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod UserRoleFetch(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, ByRef Row As %Library.List, AtEnd As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Status
classmethod UserRoleInfoClose(%q As %Library.Binary) as %Library.Status
classmethod UserRoleInfoExecute(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, user As %Library.String = "") as %Library.Status
classmethod UserRoleInfoFetch(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, ByRef Row As %Library.List, AtEnd As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Status
classmethod UserSysPrivsClose(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary) as %Library.Status
classmethod UserSysPrivsExecute(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, user As %Library.String = "") as %Library.Status
classmethod UserSysPrivsFetch(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, ByRef Row As %Library.List, AtEnd As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Status
classmethod UsersClose(%q As %Library.Binary) as %Status
classmethod UsersExecute(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary) as %Library.Status
classmethod UsersFetch(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, ByRef Row As %Library.List, AtEnd As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Status
classmethod WhoAmIClose(%q As %Library.Binary) as %Library.Status
classmethod WhoAmIExecute(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary) as %Library.Status
classmethod WhoAmIFetch(ByRef %q As %Library.Binary, ByRef Row As %Library.List, AtEnd As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Status


query RolePrivileges(role As %Library.String)
Selects TYPE As %Library.String, NAME As %Library.String, PRIVILEGE As %Library.String, GRANTED_BY As %Library.String, GRANT_OPTION As %Library.String
Get a list of Privileges granted to a Role -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %SQL_MANAGER.RolePrivleges Procedure %SQL.Manager.CatalogPriv.RolePrivileges('rolename') Takes 1 %Library.String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a Role. Returns all privileges granted to the role. ROWSPEC = TYPE:%Library.String - TABLE or VIEW or STORED PROCEDURE NAME:%Library.String - Name of the table, view, or procedure with privs granted to the role PRIVILEGE:%Library.String - Privilege granted GRANTED_BY:%Library.String - SQL user name who granted the privilege GRANT_OPTION:%Library.String - 'Yes' or 'No', privilege granted with grant option -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query RoleUser(role As %Library.String)
Selects NAME As %Library.String, USER As %Library.String, ADMIN_OPTION As %Library.Boolean
Get a list of all Users granted a Role. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %SQL_MANAGER.RoleUser Procedure %SQL.Manager.CatalogPriv.RoleUser('rolename') Takes 1 %Library.String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a Role. Returns all SQL Users granted the role ROWSPEC = NAME:%Library.String - Name of the SQL user granted the role USER:%Library.String - ROLE or USER, type of UID it is granted too ADMIN_OPTION:%Library.Boolean - 1/0 Role granted with Admin Option? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query Roles()
Selects ROLE_NAME As %Library.String, DESCRIPTION As %Library.String, CREATED_BY As %Library.String
Get a list of all SQL Roles. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %SQL_MANAGER.Roles Procedure %SQL.Manager.CatalogPriv.Roles() Takes no parameters Returns all SQL Roles defined ROWSPEC = ROLE_NAME:%Library.String - Name of the role DESCRIPTION:%Library.String - Role's Desription CREATE_BY:%Library.String - SQL User who created the Role -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query UserColumnPrivs(user As %Library.String, schema As %Library.String = "", table As %Library.String = "", system As %Library.Boolean = 0)
Selects COLUMN_NAME As %Library.String, PRIVILEGE As %Library.String(MAXLEN=10), GRANTED_BY As %Library.String, GRANT_OPTION As %Library.String(MAXLEN=3), GRANTED_VIA As %Library.String
Get a list of Privileges granted to a SQL User on a table or view's columns -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQL_MANAGER.UserColumnPrivs Procedure %SQL.Manager.CatalogPriv.UserColumnPrivs('username','schema','tablename','system') Takes arguments: username - %Library.String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a SQL User or Role. schema - %Library.String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of schema the table or view is in. tablename - %Library.String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of table or view. system - %Boolean type parameter which defaults to 0, 1 if you want to get column privileges on a system class. Returns all privileges granted to the user for a single table's columns ROWSPEC = COLUMN_NAME:%Library.String - Column Name with privs granted to the user PRIVILEGE:%Library.String - Privilege granted GRANTED_BY:%Library.String - SQL user name who granted the privilege GRANT_OPTION:%Library.String - 'Yes' or 'No', privilege granted with grant option GRANTED_VIA:%Library.String - Direct, SuperUser, Role, _PUBLIC - How was the user granted the priv -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query UserExists(user As %Library.String)
Selects USER_NAME As %Library.String
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %SQL_MANAGER.UserExists Procedure %SQL.Manager.CatalogPriv.UserExists('username') Takes 1 %Library.String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of an SQL user. Returns the SQL username if the user exists, otherwise nothing: ROWSPEC = USER_NAME:%Library.String - Name of the SQL user -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If the user exists, return the username; otherwise nothing
query UserPrivs(user As %Library.String, system As %Library.Boolean = 0)
Selects TYPE As %Library.String, NAME As %Library.String, PRIVILEGE As %Library.String(MAXLEN=10), GRANTED_BY As %Library.String, GRANT_OPTION As %Library.String(MAXLEN=3), GRANTED_VIA As %Library.String, HAS_COLUMN_PRIV As %Library.Boolean
Get a list of Privileges granted to a SQL User -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQL_MANAGER.UserPrivs Procedure %SQL.Manager.CatalogPriv.UserPrivs('username') Takes 1 %Library.String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a SQL User. Returns all privileges granted to the user. ROWSPEC = TYPE:%Library.String - TABLE, VIEW, STORED PROCEDURE NAME:%Library.String - Name of the item with privs granted to the user PRIVILEGE:%Library.String - Privilege granted GRANTED_BY:%Library.String - SQL user name who granted the privilege GRANT_OPTION:%Library.String - 'Yes' or 'No', privilege granted with grant option GRANTED_VIA:%Library.String - Direct, SuperUser, Role, _PUBLIC - How was the user granted the priv HAS_COLUMN_PRIV:%Library.Boolean - 1 if this table or view has any privileges defined at the column level otherwise 0. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query UserRole(user As %Library.String)
Selects ROLE_NAME As %Library.String, ADMIN_OPTION As %Library.Boolean
Get a list of all Roles granted to an SQL User. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %SQL_Manager.UserRole Procedure %SQL.Manager.CatalogPriv.UserRole('username') Takes 1 %Library.String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a SQL user. Returns all Roles granted to the user ROWSPEC = ROLE_NAME:%Library.String - Name of the role granted to the user ADMIN_OPTION:%Library.Boolean - 1/0 Role granted with Admin Option? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query UserRoleInfo(user As %Library.String)
Selects NAME As %Library.String, TYPE As %Library.String(MAXLEN=4)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %SQL_MANAGER.UserRoleInfo Procedure %SQL.Manager.CatalogPriv.UserRoleInfo('userrole') Takes 1 %Library.String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of an SQL user or SQL Role. Returns the name of the user/role if the user/role exists, otherwise nothing: ROWSPEC = NAME:%Library.String - Name of the User/Role TYPE:%Library.String - Type of the name "USER" or "ROLE" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If the user/role exists, return the user/role's information; otherwise nothing
query UserSysPrivs(user As %Library.String)
Selects PRIVILEGE As %Library.String, ADMIN_OPTION As %Library.String, GRANTED_VIA As %Library.String
Get all System Privileges granted to the user/role 'user' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %SQL_MANAGER.UserSysPriv Procedure %SQL.Manager.CatalogPriv.UserSysPrivs('username') Takes 1 %Library.String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of an SQL User or Role. Returns all system privileges granted to a user or role ROWSPEC = PRIVILEGE:%Library.String - Name of the system privilege granted ADMIN_OPTION:%Library.String - 'Yes' or 'No' whether the privilege was granted with admin option GRANTED_VIA:%Library.String - Direct, SuperUser, Role, _PUBLIC - How was the user granted the priv -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query Users()
Selects USERNAME As %Library.String, FULLNAME As %Library.String, ENABLED As %Library.String, NAMESPACE As %Library.String, ROUTINE As %Library.String, TYPE As %Library.String
Get a list of all SQL Users. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %SQL_MANAGER.Users Procedure %SQL.Manager.CatalogPriv.Users() Takes no parameters Returns a list of SQL users: ROWSPEC = USERNAME:%Library.String - Name of the SQL user DESCRIPTION:%Library.String - SQL User description ENABLED:%Library.String - Yes/No: is user definition enabled? NAMESPACE:%Library.String - User's Namespace ROUTINE:%Library.String - Routine TYPE:%Library.String - Type of User - InterSystems IRIS, LDAP, etc. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query WhoAmI()
Selects $USERNAME As %Library.String, $ROLES As %Library.String
Who Am I -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %SQL_MANAGER.WhoAmI Procedure %SQL.Manager.CatalogPriv.WhoAmI() Takes no parameters Returns all SQL Roles defined ROWSPEC = $USERNAME:%Library.String - Name of the Current User $ROLES:%Library.String - User's current $Roles value -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-