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UNION/OR Optimization

UNION/OR Optimization

By default, SQL automatic optimization transforms UNION subqueries to OR conditions, where deemed appropriate. This UNION/OR transformation allows EXISTS and other low-level predicates to migrate to top-level conditions where they are available to InterSystems IRIS query optimizer indexing. This default transformation is desirable in most situations. However, in some situations this UNION/OR transformation imposes a significant overhead burden. The %NOUNIONOROPT query optimization option disables this automatic UNION/OR transformation for all conditions in the WHERE clause associated with the FROM clause. Thus, in a complex query, you can disable automatic UNION/OR optimization for one subquery while allowing it in other subqueries. For further information on %NOUNIONOROPT, refer to the FROM clause.

If a condition involving a subquery is applied to a UNION, it is applied within each union operand, rather than at the end. This allows subquery optimizations to be applied in each UNION operand. For descriptions of subquery optimization options, refer to the FROM clause. In the following example, the WHERE clause condition is applied to each of the subqueries in the union, rather than to the result of the union:

  (SELECT Name,Age FROM Sample.Person
   UNION SELECT Name,Age FROM Sample.Employee)
WHERE Age IN (SELECT TOP 5 Age FROM Sample.Employee WHERE Age>55 ORDER BY Age)
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