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Filtering Schema Contents

Filtering Schema Contents

The left side of the Management Portal SQL interface allows you to view the contents of a schema (or multiple schemas that match a filter pattern).

  1. Specify which namespace you wish to use by clicking the name of the current namespace displayed at the top of the SQL interface page. This displays the list of available namespaces, from which you can make your selection.

  2. Apply a Filter or select a schema from the Schema drop-down list.

    You can use the Filter field to filter the lists by typing a search pattern. You can filter for schemas, or for table/view/procedure names (items) within a schema or within multiple schemas. A search pattern consists of the name of a schema, a dot (.), and the name of an item — each name composed of some combination of literals and wildcards. Literals are not case-sensitive. The wildcards are:

    • asterisk (*) meaning 0 or more characters of any type.

    • underscore (_) meaning a single character of any type.

    • an apostrophe (') inversion prefix meaning “not” (everything except).

    • a backslash (\) escape character: \_ means a literal underscore character.

    For example, S* returns all schemas that begin with S. S*.Person returns all Person items in all schemas that begin with S. *.Person* returns all items that begin with Person in all schemas. You can use a comma-separated list of search patterns to select all items that fulfil any one of the listed patterns (OR logic). For example, *.Person*,*.Employee* selects all Person and Employee items in all schemas.

    To apply a Filter search pattern, click the refresh button, or press the Tab key.

    A Filter search pattern remains in effect until you explicitly change it. The “x” button to the right of the Filter field clears the search pattern.

  3. Selecting a schema from the Schema drop-down list overrides and resets any prior Filter search pattern, selecting for a single schema. Specifying a Filter search pattern overrides any prior Schema.

  4. Optionally, use the drop-down “applies to” list to specify which categories of item to list: Tables, Views, Procedures, Cached Queries, or all of the above. The default is All. Any category that was specified in the “applies to” drop-down list is limited by Filter or Schema. Those categories not specified in “applies to” continue to list all of the items of that category type in the namespace.

  5. Optionally, click the System check box to include system items (items whose names begin with %). The default is to not include system items.

  6. Expand the list for a category to list its items for the specified Schema or specified Filter search pattern. When you expand a list, any category that contains no items does not expand.

  7. Click on an item in an expanded list to display its Catalog Details on the right side of the SQL interface.

    If the selected item is a Table or a Procedure, the Catalog Details Class Name information provides a link to the corresponding class documentation.

Note that Filter settings are user customized, and are retained for future use for that user.

Browse Tab

The Browse tab provides a convenient way to quickly view all the schemas in a namespace, or a filtered subset of the schemas in the namespace. You can select Show All Schemas or Show Schemas with Filter, which applies the filter specified on the left side of the Management Portal SQL interface. By clicking on the Schema Name heading, you can list the schemas in ascending or descending alphabetical order.

Each listed schema provides links to lists of its associated Tables, Views, Procedures, and Queries (cached queries). If the schema has no items of that type, a hyphen (rather than a named link) is shown in that schema list column. This enables you to quickly get information about the contents of schemas.

Clicking a Tables, Views, Procedures, or Queries link displays a table of basic information about those items. By clicking on a table heading, you can sort the list by that column’s values in ascending or descending order. The Procedures table always includes Extent procedures, regardless of the Procedures setting on the left side of the Management Portal SQL interface.

You can get more information on individual Tables, Views, Procedures, and Cached Queries using the Catalog Details tab. Selecting a Table or View from the Browse tab does not activate the Open Table link for that table.

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