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WSDL Differences for InterSystems IRIS SOAP Sessions

WSDL Differences for InterSystems IRIS SOAP Sessions

If the SOAPSESSION parameter is 1 for the web service, that affects the WSDL as follows:

  • Within the <binding> element, the <input> and <output> elements of each <operation> include the following additional subelement:

    <soap:header message="s0:IRISSessionHeader" part="CSPCHD" use="literal"/>

    For example:

    <operation name="Add">
        <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
            <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <soap:header message="s0:IRISSessionHeader" part="CSPCHD" use="literal"/>
            <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <soap:header message="s0:IRISSessionHeader" part="CSPCHD" use="literal"/>
  • The WSDL includes the following additional <message> element:

    <message name="IRISSessionHeader">
        <part name="CSPCHD" element="chead:CSPCHD"/>
  • The <types> element includes the following additional item:

    <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
        <s:element name="CSPCHD">
                    <s:element name="id" type="s:string"/>
  • The namespace declarations include the following additional item:

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