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Applying 80/20 Suppression

Applying 80/20 Suppression

The Analyzer provides an easy way to display the top 80% of a set (considering the count measure by default), and to group the bottom 20% into a single unit, as in the following example.

rows are products; only top 80% of products are shown; row=Others lists remainder

This example demonstrates the 80/20 suppression option used for rows. The option is also available for columns. To use this option:

  1. Click the Advanced Options button in the Rows or Columns box.

  2. Optionally click Sort Members.

    Then select a measure and select Ascending or Descending.

    By default, the 80/20 suppression option first sorts the members in descending order by count. Use Sort Members to specify a different sort order.

  3. Select Apply 80/20 Suppression.

  4. Click OK.

To modify the query to use different percentages, see the section Modifying Details of the 80/20 Suppression Option.

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