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abstract class HSMOD.CSVTable.Utils [ Final ]

Utilities for CSV tables.

This class is for internal InterSystems use only. This class is subject to change in future versions of HealthShare.

Method Inventory


classmethod ExportTablesToCSV(pTargetFolder As %String, pClassNames As %List, pOverwriteExisting=0, pAddHeaderRow As %Boolean = 0, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1)
CSV export method for a set of tables in a list. Each file will have a name of the form "tablename.csv" where "tablename" is the full SQL table name of the class, e.g. "web_HS_Clinigraphic_CodeCategorization.Categorization.csv". Arguments:
  • pTargetFolder is the destination folder for export.
  • pClassNames is a list of class names (not table names) to export.
  • pOverwriteExisting indicates whether to overwrite existing files. Default is 0 (no).
  • pAddHeaderRow indicates whether to include a header row (with column names) in the output file. Default is 0 (no).
  • pVerbose controls text output (for use in Terminal). Default is 1 (verbose).
classmethod ImportTablesFromCSV(pTargetFolder As %String, pClassNames As %List, pRemoveExistingValues As %Boolean = 1, pRelyOnHeaderRow As %Boolean = 0, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
CSV import method for a set of tables, using a set of CSV files in a common folder. Arguments:
  • pTargetFolder is the target folder where the files should be found. Each file should have a name of the form "tablename.csv" where "tablename" is the full SQL table name of the class, e.g. "web_HS_Clinigraphic_CodeCategorization.Categorization.csv".
  • pClassNames is a list of class names (not table names); the corresponding files are expected to have names consisting of the table (SQL) name, normalized, followed by the ".csv" suffix.
  • pRemoveExistingValues indicates whether the existing table data should be deleted prior to import; default is 1 (yes).
  • pRelyOnHeaderRow indicates whether the import code should look at the first file row as a "header" row with column names and use those column names as a guide (instead of expecting data to be in predicted column sequence). Default is 0 (no).
  • pVerbose controls text output (for use in Terminal). Default is 1 (verbose).
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