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abstract class HS.HC.SystemConfig.ConfigStep.Common extends HS.REST.Model.ISerializable

Common properties to keep track of status of IRIS configuration steps.

Property Inventory


property Error as %String (%JSONIGNORENULL = 1);
Error occurred during execution of this config step. Use %JSONIGNORENULL = 1 to make sure this property is not omitted in json payload when it is empty string, such that it can properly update values during import.
Property methods: ErrorDisplayToLogical(), ErrorGet(), ErrorIsValid(), ErrorLogicalToDisplay(), ErrorLogicalToOdbc(), ErrorNormalize(), ErrorSet()
property InstanceName as HS.HC.DataType.InstanceName [ Required ];
Name of the instance.
Property methods: InstanceNameDisplayToLogical(), InstanceNameGet(), InstanceNameIsValid(), InstanceNameLogicalToDisplay(), InstanceNameLogicalToOdbc(), InstanceNameNormalize(), InstanceNameSet()
property Timestamp as %TimeStamp;
Time at which this step was executed.
Property methods: TimestampDisplayToLogical(), TimestampGet(), TimestampIsValid(), TimestampLogicalToDisplay(), TimestampLogicalToXSD(), TimestampNormalize(), TimestampOdbcToLogical(), TimestampSet(), TimestampXSDToLogical()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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