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Reference to an asl key "id" structure, specifying what to be looped over

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter NodeRef = asl(..AslKey.AslMod.Index, $$$aslKEY, ..AslKey.Index, "id");
Inherited description: A string which, when evaluated, returns the reference for this node. e.g. "asl(1,..MyType, ..MyIndex, 4)"


property AslKey as AslKey;
The key containing this id
Property methods: AslKeyGet(), AslKeyGetSwizzled(), AslKeyIsValid(), AslKeyNewObject(), AslKeySet()


method BottomMod() as %Integer
bottom nested module, where row existence is determined (AK551)
method IsChunks() as %Boolean
Is the product of this looping bit chunks?
method IsIds() as %Boolean
Is the product of this looping individual IDs?
method LoopSuppressionSub() as %Integer
"next" subscript level at which only one row needed (AK551 loop suppression)
method Map() as MtsMap
The map to be looped over for a map key
method NegChunk() as MtVal
For a bit slice map, retrieve negative chunk value here
method Padding() as %String
method PretestCond() as %String
A condition to test before looping
method Query() as MtsQuery
The query containing the stream containing the map to be looped over
method QueueTempFile() as %Integer
For reading AK849 queued queries, the temp file number to write to
method QueuedQuery() as %Integer
For reading AK849 queued queries, the queue to read from
method SetAsBitslice(map As MtsMap, negChunk As MtVal)
Set as iteration over a bitslice map, storing the negative chunk in negChunk
method SetAsChunkTempFile(tempFile As MtTempFile)
Set as an iteration over a bit chunk tempFile
method SetAsConvertToChunks(stream As MtsStream)
Set as a conversion of IDs to chunks in stream ??? is stream really neeeded?
method SetAsMap(map As MtsMap)
Set as iteration over map
method SetIsChunks(isChunks As %Boolean)
method SetMap(map As MtsMap)
Note that this could, but does not, set the query and stream as well
method SetNegChunk(var As MtVal)
method SetQuery(query As MtsQuery)
method SetStream(stream As MtsStream)
Note that this could, but does not, set the query as well
method SetTempFile(tempFile As MtTempFile)
method SetType(type As %String)
method Stream() as MtsStream
The stream containing the map to be looped over
method TempFile() as MtTempFile
The tempfile to be looped over
method Type() as %String
The type of key loop ("temp"/"map"/"convert"/...)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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