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This class provides support for querying and setting the startup mode of the Windows control service for the current instance. The possible startup modes are Automatic (starts at system boot), Manual (starts from the cube or windows services control application) , or Disables (doesn't start).

Method Inventory


final classmethod GetServiceAutoStart(ByRef rc As %String) as %Status
Returns status The mode output parameter returns the InterSystems IRIS Control Service startup mode as text. Possible mode values returned are: Manual, Automatic, Disabled, "Error", "Not a Windows Server" , "Invalid Value Returned"
final classmethod GetServiceAutoStartAsNumber(ByRef mode As %Integer) as %Status
Returns status The mode output parameter returns the InterSystems IRIS Control Service startup mode. 0 = Manual, 1 = Automatic, 2 = Disabled, 3 = Error getting value, -1 = Not Windows Server
final classmethod SetServiceAutoStart(mode As %String) as %Status
Set InterSystems IRIS Control Service startup mode Valid input mode values are: Manual, Automatic, or Disabled.
final classmethod SetServiceAutoStartByNumber(mode As %Integer) as %Status
Set InterSystems IRIS Control Service startup mode using numeric mode value valid input mode values are: 0 = Manual, 1 = Automatic, 2 = Disabled
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