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The methods in this class are used by the SQLRegression class to execute SQL files using embedded SQL and return results in a stream. They are subject to change, and not intended to be called directly.

Method Inventory


classmethod exeRoutine(mac As %String, tag As %String = "", ByRef output As %Stream) as %Status
Execute MAC file containing embedded SQL and write output
classmethod genRoutine(ByRef routine As %Routine, tag As %String, code As %Stream) as %Status
Generate MAC and embed each SQL statement and compile MAC A mac must be created for each sql statement
classmethod repairName(name As %String) as %String
If name is not a legal MAC name, repair the name by removing offending characters
classmethod runESQL(sqlfilename As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0, ByRef macs As %ListOfDataTypes = "") as %Stream
Execute sql from sql file against dynamic SQL and return results in a stream If verbose is true, write verbose information to terminal Insert each generated MAC name into macs SQL statements are delimited by "####"
classmethod verifyName(name As %String) as %Boolean
Method to verify name as a legal MAC name

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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