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Defines the bitmask built by a BSL for filtering this stream's IDs

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter NodeRef = mt("mask", ..MtStream.Index);
Inherited description: A string which, when evaluated, returns the reference for this node. e.g. "asl(1,..MyType, ..MyIndex, 4)"


property MtStream as MtStream;
The stream to which this bitmask applies
Property methods: MtStreamGet(), MtStreamGetSwizzled(), MtStreamIsValid(), MtStreamNewObject(), MtStreamSet()


method Exists() as %Boolean
Is there a mask at all?
method Map() as MtsMap
method SetMap(map As MtsMap)
method SetTempFile(tempFile As MtTempFile)
method TempFile() as MtTempFile
Returns the bit chunk tempfile representing the mask

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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