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Simple lexer for parsing ISQL batch files

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property CurrentLine as %String;

The current line

Property methods: CurrentLineDisplayToLogical(), CurrentLineGet(), CurrentLineIsValid(), CurrentLineLogicalToDisplay(), CurrentLineLogicalToOdbc(), CurrentLineNormalize(), CurrentLineSet()
property CurrentLineIndex1 as %Integer;

The $E index to the current character (start of current token)

Property methods: CurrentLineIndex1DisplayToLogical(), CurrentLineIndex1Get(), CurrentLineIndex1IsValid(), CurrentLineIndex1LogicalToDisplay(), CurrentLineIndex1Normalize(), CurrentLineIndex1Set()
property CurrentToken as %String;

The current token

Property methods: CurrentTokenDisplayToLogical(), CurrentTokenGet(), CurrentTokenIsValid(), CurrentTokenLogicalToDisplay(), CurrentTokenLogicalToOdbc(), CurrentTokenNormalize(), CurrentTokenSet()
property Ended as %Boolean;
Property methods: EndedDisplayToLogical(), EndedGet(), EndedIsValid(), EndedLogicalToDisplay(), EndedNormalize(), EndedSet()
property NextLineIndex1 as %Integer;

The $E index to the next character (just after end of current token)

Property methods: NextLineIndex1DisplayToLogical(), NextLineIndex1Get(), NextLineIndex1IsValid(), NextLineIndex1LogicalToDisplay(), NextLineIndex1Normalize(), NextLineIndex1Set()
property Str as %RawString;

The source stream

Property methods: StrGet(), StrIsValid(), StrSet()


method %OnNew(Str As %Stream.Object) as %Status


method CrossCurrentToken(ByRef CrossedNL As %Boolean)

Cross over the current token

method EndOfFile() as %Boolean

Return whether we're at end-of-file

method GetAndCrossCurrentToken(ByRef CrossedNL As %Boolean) as %String

Fetch the current token, advancing on to the next one

method GetCurrentToken() as %String

Return the current token, or "" if end of file

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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