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abstract class EnsLib.JavaGateway.Common extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Common base class for JavaGateway Inbound and Outbound Adapters including the SQL adapters in their use of JDBC.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


Is the JGService Setting for this Adapter (subclass) required? If so and it's empty, we will return an error from initialization.
parameter SETTINGS = JGClientConnectSpec,JGClientEnsClassname,JGService,ExtraJGClasspaths,StayConnected;
Controls whether Service specific classpath jars are loaded per process "1" (the default) or by thread context "0" Recomended defaulting this to "1" as some thirdparty ODBC JARs show thread and memory leaking when loaded by thread context


property %ClientIOAddr as %String;
Property methods: %ClientIOAddrDisplayToLogical(), %ClientIOAddrGet(), %ClientIOAddrIsValid(), %ClientIOAddrLogicalToDisplay(), %ClientIOAddrLogicalToOdbc(), %ClientIOAddrNormalize(), %ClientIOAddrSet()
property %IOAddr as %String [ ReadOnly ];
String naming JavaGateway TCP/IP address:port, and local port if applicable
Property methods: %IOAddrDisplayToLogical(), %IOAddrGet(), %IOAddrIsValid(), %IOAddrLogicalToDisplay(), %IOAddrLogicalToOdbc(), %IOAddrNormalize()
property %JGConnectTimeout as %Numeric (MAXVAL = 30000, MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = 5 ];
Number of seconds to wait on each attempt to connect to the Java Gateway
Property methods: %JGConnectTimeoutDisplayToLogical(), %JGConnectTimeoutGet(), %JGConnectTimeoutIsValid(), %JGConnectTimeoutLogicalToDisplay(), %JGConnectTimeoutNormalize(), %JGConnectTimeoutSet()
property %JGProxy as %RegisteredObject;
The Proxy for the Java connector object
Property methods: %JGProxyGet(), %JGProxyGetSwizzled(), %JGProxyIsValid(), %JGProxyNewObject(), %JGProxySet()
property %JavaGateway as %Net.Remote.Java.JavaGateway;
The JavaGateway connection object
Property methods: %JavaGatewayGet(), %JavaGatewayGetSwizzled(), %JavaGatewayIsValid(), %JavaGatewayNewObject(), %JavaGatewaySet()
property %logConnections as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Local flag controlling logging of connection and disconnection events
Property methods: %logConnectionsDisplayToLogical(), %logConnectionsGet(), %logConnectionsIsValid(), %logConnectionsLogicalToDisplay(), %logConnectionsNormalize(), %logConnectionsSet()
property ConnectTimeout as %Numeric (MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = 15 ];
Number of seconds to wait on each attempt to connect from the Java Gateway to the ultimate Java client
Property methods: ConnectTimeoutDisplayToLogical(), ConnectTimeoutGet(), ConnectTimeoutIsValid(), ConnectTimeoutLogicalToDisplay(), ConnectTimeoutNormalize(), ConnectTimeoutSet()
property Connected as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Are we currently connected to the Java Gateway and does the Proxy object exist and is it connected to its remote system
Property methods: ConnectedDisplayToLogical(), ConnectedGet(), ConnectedIsValid(), ConnectedLogicalToDisplay(), ConnectedNormalize()
property ExtraJGClasspaths as %String (MAXLEN = 1000);
One or more Java Classpaths (separated by '|' character) needed in addition to the ones configured in the Java Gateway Service in order to execute the Java code for this Config Item
Property methods: ExtraJGClasspathsDisplayToLogical(), ExtraJGClasspathsGet(), ExtraJGClasspathsIsValid(), ExtraJGClasspathsLogicalToDisplay(), ExtraJGClasspathsLogicalToOdbc(), ExtraJGClasspathsNormalize(), ExtraJGClasspathsSet()
property JGClientConnectSpec as %String (MAXLEN = 500);
Info the JavaGateway Client class can use to connect to the intended target system
Property methods: JGClientConnectSpecDisplayToLogical(), JGClientConnectSpecGet(), JGClientConnectSpecIsValid(), JGClientConnectSpecLogicalToDisplay(), JGClientConnectSpecLogicalToOdbc(), JGClientConnectSpecNormalize(), JGClientConnectSpecSet()
property JGClientEnsClassname as %String (MAXLEN = 128);
InterSystems IRIS classname of the Java Gateway proxy class that serves as this Config Item's interface to its associated Java code
Property methods: JGClientEnsClassnameDisplayToLogical(), JGClientEnsClassnameGet(), JGClientEnsClassnameIsValid(), JGClientEnsClassnameLogicalToDisplay(), JGClientEnsClassnameLogicalToOdbc(), JGClientEnsClassnameNormalize(), JGClientEnsClassnameSet()
property JGService as %String (MAXLEN = 128);
Config Name of the Java Gateway service controlling the Java Gateway server this Operation will use.
Property methods: JGServiceDisplayToLogical(), JGServiceGet(), JGServiceIsValid(), JGServiceLogicalToDisplay(), JGServiceLogicalToOdbc(), JGServiceNormalize(), JGServiceSet()
property KeepaliveInterval as %Numeric [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
How frequently should be check whether a StayConnected connection is still up
Property methods: KeepaliveIntervalDisplayToLogical(), KeepaliveIntervalGet(), KeepaliveIntervalIsValid(), KeepaliveIntervalLogicalToDisplay(), KeepaliveIntervalNormalize(), KeepaliveIntervalSet()
property StayConnected as %Numeric (MINVAL = -1) [ InitialExpression = -1 ];
If non-zero, stay connected to the remote system between handling Requests until idle for this number of seconds. A value of -1 means never disconnect.
Property methods: StayConnectedDisplayToLogical(), StayConnectedGet(), StayConnectedIsValid(), StayConnectedLogicalToDisplay(), StayConnectedNormalize(), StayConnectedSet()


method Connect(pClientTimeout As %Numeric = 15, pInbound As %Boolean = 0, pJGTimeout As %Numeric = 5) as %Status
method ConnectedSet(pValue As %Boolean) as %Status
method Disconnect(pInbound As %Boolean = 0)
Disconnect from the Java Gateway Client
method OnKeepalive() as %Status
method TestConnection(pInbound As %Boolean = 0)
method initAdapterJG() as %Status
method initJG() as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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