Returns the Source ID for a given pExternalId in domain pDomainName,
or the empty string if no source exists with that External ID.
classmethod Highlight(pText As %String, ByRef pHighlight, pConfig As %String = $$$DEFAULTCONFIG, pEscapeHTML As %Boolean = 1, Output pSC As %Status = $$$OK) as %String
Highlights the supplied text pText using the highlight information specified through
pHighlight. See GetHighlighted() in %iKnow.Queries.SentenceAPI
for more details on possible input to pHighlight.
Indexes the supplied file and stores the indexing results in domain pDomainName.
The full path of the files indexed will be used to build the External ID (cf
Indexes the supplied file and stores the indexing results in domain pDomainName,
returning the generated source ID as pSrcId.
The full path of the files indexed will be used to build the External ID (cf
Indexes the supplied pString and stores the results into the domain
pDomainName, using pIdentifier to construct the External ID
(cf %iKnow.Source.Temp.Lister). The generated sources ID will be returned
through pSrcId.
Indexes the contents of the pDataField column in table pTableName,
using the pIdField and pGroupField columns to build the external
ID for this record (cf %iKnow.Source.SQL.Lister).
pDomainName can be a (SQL) constant, such as "'MyGroup'".
The results are stored in the domain pDomainName.
Optionally, specify a %List of table field names through
pMetaFields that should be loaded as metadata for the table records.
Applies relevant iKnow normalization logic. By default, this implies removing whitespace
from the front and back of the string, removing duplicate whitespace, and lowercase.
For specific configurations or languages such as Japanese, normalization behaviour is more
refined and described in the documentation.
If a domain ID is specified through pDomainId, its default configuration will
be used (if specified). Otherwise, the configuration named pConfig will be used.